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Workers' Comp Services

Workers' Comp Services For New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania

Investigative Resource Center, Inc. is a leading provider for a wide range of investigative services, including specialty workers' comp services for both individuals and corporations. From fraud investigation to marriage surveillance to Workers' Comp Investigations, IRC has all of the resources you need to seek justice regardless of the situation. We are here to help corporations in need of our services when they believe they are being defrauded or employees who have been unfairly treated for filing Workers' Comp claims.

Workers' Comp Eligibility

If you got hurt on the job, you may be eligible to receive worker's compensation benefits in the state of New York. This includes medical bill payments and possible lost wages. And it could have been your fault. It doesn't matter. You're covered, or at least should be. There are exceptions where your employer is committing fraud. In general, the vast majority of employers are required to provide worker's compensation, so if they don't then that could be grounds for a lawsuit. And that is where our workers' comp services come into play. We will help you get the benefits that you deserve.

There are typically three basic requirements in order to receive these sort of benefits from your employer:

  1. Must be an employee
  2. The employer must carry worker's compensation insurance
  3. The injury must be work-related

There may be some other minor details on a state-by-state basis, but if you hit these three marks, then there is a high chance you will receive some sort of compensation. Where some may find difficulties is with domestic workers, farm workers, or seasonal and part-time workers. And some state laws vary, but it is always the employer's responsibility to provide coverage. That is where we come in. With our workers' comp services we can help you get to the bottom of any eligibility case.

Comprehensive Workers' Comp Services

Workers' Comp ServicesWe are proud to offer comprehensive and detailed workers' comp services for all New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania workers. We understand how hard you work in stressful, dangerous or hazardous environments. Our many years of experience allows to provide you with the fairest and highest quality investigative services. Our professionally trained team of investigation experts will hear your case and guide you down the right path of action. 

Ease your worries with our workers' compensation services. We will ensure you get the information necessary to help your case. Workers' compensation laws have improved over the years, but can still be tricky to navigate without the help and guidance of a professional service. But we understand the history of how worker's compensation services have evolved over the years. We then use that experience and knowledge to help your case.

Workers' Compensation History

Workers' comp services have a long and storied history in New York, as well as this country. The first statewide law that covered workers' compensation happened in Maryland in 1902. Federally, the first law passed was in 1906. Covering workers with insurance before that time was not regulated and only done so voluntarily, thus the risk of working a dangerous job was much greater. But once these initial laws began passing, more states caught on and gave workers benefits to cover them when injured. Less than 50 years after the first workers' compensation law was passed, every state, including New York, had a workers' compensation program enacted. 

Insurance companies are the sole provider of workers' compensation in most states and do so by providing insurance policies to an assortment of businesses that require them. These policies are dependent on the basis of how dangerous a job is and the rates provided are adjusted for the market. It goes without saying that more dangerous jobs come with higher rates. Companies oftentimes undersell their risk to receive better policies. This is a common type of insurance fraud that occurs all over the country. 

Although workers' compensation programs are as progressive as they have ever been, education and guidance are still necessary. Understanding these laws can go a long way in minimizing fraud for both the employees and employers. It can be a tricky area to process, which is why getting professional counseling about it from IRC can prove to be a valuable decision. Our workers' comp services proudly extend to represent clients across the state of New York.

What is Workers' Compensation Fraud?

Workers' compensation fraud is a crucial aspect of our workers' comp services. It occurs when a claimant, employer, or health care provider knowingly lie in order to gain an advantage, savings, money, or other benefits. While many people believe that workers' compensation fraud solely consists of employees lying about or exaggerating their injuries, workers' compensation fraud can involve both employers and employees. Our experts here at IRC conduct investigations for both the employee and employer.

Workers' compensation fraud can be committed by anybody. That is why it is imperative you have the best workers' compensation services around. With IRC, you'll get the best New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania has to offer.

Services to Combat Workers' Compensation Fraud

Workers' compensation fraud is an issue that everyone - employees and employers alike - should understand. This is a crime that both the employee and employer can commit. Our workers' comp services in New Jersey are here for you when you need them. Apart from employees not getting the proper benefits, fraud is also a crucial aspect when it comes to this service. Here is a list of ways that an employee can commit fraud: Injuries with no witnesses, delays in reporting injuries, delays in seeking medical treatment and/or missed appointments, injury while off of work, financial stress at home, filing multiple claims, and injury concurrent with termination.

Employees most commonly commit fraud by getting injured outside of work, but claiming the injury occurred on the job site. Another simple way to commit fraud is by exaggerating or faking an injury. And on the flip side, failing to disclose an injury is also fraud.

Under-reporting the payroll is one of the most common ways an employer can commit fraud. With this tactic, the employer can lower their premiums to avoid paying more when an injury does occur on the job. Then, the employee could be entitled to less money than they should be owed. Another way to commit fraud is to simply not have it, which is illegal. In this scenario, workers are deceived into thinking they are covered by their employer when in reality they are not. So, if a work injury occurs in this scenario, there won't be any money to pay out. With our New Jersey workers' comp services, we will work with you every step of the way.

Statistics You Should Know

General Statistics
  • 1 in 4 Americans think it's okay to defraud insurers
  • $4.35 million dollars of insurance premium fraud was discovered in 2009
  • Between 2005 and 2009, $25 billion in disability payments were based on fraud
  • Workers' compensation fraud costs the industry $5 billion annually
  • The average household pays $200-$300 extra per year in premiums to offset the cost of fraud
Employee Fraud
  • Injuries with no witnesses
  • Delays in reporting injuries
  • Delays in seeking medical treatment and/or missed appointments
  • Injury while off of work
  • Financial stress at home
  • Filing multiple claims
  • Injury concurrent with termination
Employer Fraud
  • Denial of valid claims
  • Late issuance of disability checks
  • Misclassification of the workforce and the nature of work being done by employees
  • Refusal to purchase insurance for employees
  • Making examples of employees who have submitted claims

Handling Investigations Nationwide

IRC handles investigations throughout the United States. Our workers' comp services have helped countless customers in New York, New JerseyPennsylvania and beyond. For more information about our range of services, please give us a call today. Our number is 732-805-3985. We will work with you in order for you to receive the compensation benefits you so rightly deserve.

Call For A Free Consultation

IRC provides comprehensive workers' compensation services to ensure you are getting what you're due and that you are not left with the risk of being sued or having to go through the troubles of suing. We have years of experience providing workers' comp services to those in need across the country. Our workers' compensation investigations span to areas including construction accidents.

For more information about our services, contact us today. Investigative Resource Center is located in Somerset, NJ, 08875 and the number to call is 732-805-3980. With your phone call, you can receive a free consultation about the parameters of your case! So please, do not hesitate to reach out if you need to look into any sort of work injury!