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Arson Investigation in NJ
Investigative Resource Center has years of experience handling all sorts of cases. This includes arson investigation throughout the state of New Jersey (NJ). Arson is a very serious offense and we take each case very seriously. We will got through all the steps to properly dissect the issue.
Contact Us
So if you suspect arson is involved in a fire, please contact us today. We will answer any questions or concerns you may have about the fire. You can also call our office at (732) 805-3985. When you call, we can provide you with a free consultation and go over all of the various details of your situation.
Your NJ Arson Investigation Team
Simply put, arson is the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to a property. This property can be a building, a wild-land area, a vehicle, or even a home. And yes, an abandoned home set ablaze is arson. When it comes to an arson scheme, the end-goal is to collect the insurance on the property. So setting it on fire makes the arsonist money when it is all said and done. More times than not, an arsonist uses gasoline or kerosene to ignite or propel the fire into the desired area. So it is important to look into those factors when investigating arson in NJ.
When you turn to IRC in NJ for an arson investigation, we will provide you with a capable detective. He or she will immediately look for any red flags that point to arson. The biggest red flag is the use of an accelerant. Gasoline and kerosene are considered accelerants. Our team will complete a review of the premises and will come to an independent conclusion on how the start of the fire. If our NJ arson investigation team suspects foul play, then we will obtain all necessary documents. Our detectives will also alert the correct authorities on the matter and proceed accordingly. Once our arson investigation is complete, we are confident no further investigations will be needed.
Signs Of Possible Arson Use
Every arson investigation in NJ starts with the fire itself. There must be three factors must be present to create and sustain any fire. These three factors are known as the fire triangle, which consists of oxygen, a fuel source, and heat. In most cases the percentage of oxygen concentration must be above 16%. The fuel for the fire is simply any flammable substance. And the heat source needs only to match the ignition temperature of the fuel.
Addition of Accelerant or Flammable Material
When an arsonist is involved in the fire, he or she tamper with one or more of the factors in the fire triangle. The most common aspect to mess with is by adding an accelerant or a flammable material. Kerosene, gasoline and alcohol are common accelerants. This allows for the entire fire process to quickly speed up and cause more damage before it can be put out.
Increase of Oxygen Flow
The arsonist may also increase the oxygen content of a structure by opening windows or punching holes in ceilings and walls. Fire always follows the highest concentration of oxygen to its source. So, by opening ventilation at the top, while starting a fire below means the arsonist can cause a fire to race up through a building. And this causes the fire to quickly engulf the whole structure, as opposed to staying in one room.
Introducing the Heat Source
Then we come to the introduction of a heat source. This can be something as simple as a match, or as complex as a mixture of chemicals. When investigating a fire, an arson fire is determined when all other accidental possibilities are ruled out. However, the investigator needs sufficient evidence that one of the factors has been sufficiently tampered with. Otherwise, it is a dead end. So if you suspect arson, get the best investigation team in NJ!